CALL US TODAY 919-491-4182
Kids Tang Soo Do

10:00-11:00 am / Lizzie Meyer

A Fun-Filled Fitness Activity with the Lifelong Gifts of Essential Skills for Personal Development and Empowerment

Adult Tang Soo Do

5:00-6:00 am / Alejandro Diaz

Our adult karate class is developed to empower adults and improve their mental and physical health so that they can strike a personal and professional life balance with a smile and be better equipped to handle stress or frustration.

Women’s Self Defense

6:00-7:00 pm / Cole Butler

Women Protection Program—Stay Safe by Learning the Best Techniques for Personal Defense

Teen Tang Soo Do

11:00-12:00 am / Jared Henry

At Karate USA we believe that teenagers are intelligent, capable, and caring individuals.

Call us 24/7
2538 US 70
Mebane, NC 27302
Working Hours
daily: 10am - 8pm

Karate USA specializes in Tang Soo Do located in Hillsbourgh, North Carolina and offers Kids, Adult and Women’s Self Defense Classes.

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